My first job in greeting cards Melissa and I worked with our good friend John. While designing we would tell stories to pass the time. John once told a tale about how much he loved peanut butter as a kid. Melissa and I were both like "Sure John, everyone loves peanut butter as a kid." He insisted he ate it night and day, some days it was all he ever ate. Until one morning he woke up to find his bed covered in a brownish-tan residue. You know what we thought and we both replied with an "Ewww." John stated he had thought the same thing at first but after a 'careful inspection' it was discovered that he had sweated the oily brown substance all over his sheets. John was in fact sweating peanut butter.
His mother immediately halted his eating of peanut butter.
I believe Melissa is just about to do the same with me.
Lately I cannot get enough of the stuff.
I stopped eating peanut butter months ago. I replaced it with almond butter. It tastes better (IMO) and is better for you. Eat it every week day for lunch.
The next time you’re teaching/discussing comic strips with your class, send them a link to my strip and ask them what they think. I’m curious to what the attitude/ thoughts are (especially from young artists and comic readers) to not only auto-bio comics, but an auto-bio comic written by someone over 30 and done in B&W.
Rich, I will absolutely ask a few of my classes their opinion/feedback. Would you mind if it I did in in a more public/social forum like online or would you prefer that I keep it one on one? Also, I’ll be teaching a writing for comics class in the Fall would love to have you in to chat?
7 thoughts on “Snacktion Flick”
Richard J. Marcej
I stopped eating peanut butter months ago. I replaced it with almond butter. It tastes better (IMO) and is better for you. Eat it every week day for lunch.
Rich – I’ll give it a try. But I gotta tell ya I loves me my Peanut Butter! Thanks so much for commenting. Your strips have been awesome! Cheers!
Richard J. Marcej
The next time you’re teaching/discussing comic strips with your class, send them a link to my strip and ask them what they think. I’m curious to what the attitude/ thoughts are (especially from young artists and comic readers) to not only auto-bio comics, but an auto-bio comic written by someone over 30 and done in B&W.
Ha-ha & Mmmm! I love the pic where you’re chomping down on the treat, “nom, nom, nom!” Also, thanks for the tasty suggestion Rich!
Rich, I will absolutely ask a few of my classes their opinion/feedback. Would you mind if it I did in in a more public/social forum like online or would you prefer that I keep it one on one? Also, I’ll be teaching a writing for comics class in the Fall would love to have you in to chat?
Lomax! You’re so money! Thank you! (Nom, nom, nom!)
Richard J. Marcej
Patch- which ever way works for you. Doesn’t matter to me if it’s public or one-on-one.