Good things come from good friends. Hilarious things come along when your friends are fellow artists/cartoonists. This is what happens when Tim Durning is talking to Andy Hoffmann and your buddy Jeffro, overhearing, laughs like there's no tomorrow. When that happens you're an idiot if you don't draw it. For panels 3 and 4 I was channeling a little Sam Henderson. His book, Humor Can Be Funny, sits in a place of honor on our bookshelf.
Thanks Tim, Andy, Jeffro, Concetta and Melissa for another afternoon of laughing till my face hurts and tons of inspiration.
I can still hear Jeffro laughing.
2 thoughts on “Glad Bananas”
Wow, ha-ha! I remember this conversation taking place at the other end of the table and it made me giggle then… the visual version is even funnier!
Thanks Lomax sweety! You’re the bestest!