One fourth of July we went to see fireworks at a local playground. I remember this particular holiday NOT for the hotdogs or the fireworks but for the little flea market that sprawled out along most of the playground. I found several long boxes (big white boxes containing comics for the uninitiated) and spent what must have been hours flipping through them. That's when I came across Amazing Spiderman issues 280 and 281. Spiderman was about to meet the Sinister Syndicate and I had to know what was going to happen. Five villains, some pretty good ones to boot, versus ol' web-head. Looking back over them they really aren't that spectacular, except maybe for the boldness of keeping the Rhino almost monochromatic on the cover and the fact that the Sandman helps pulls Spidey's butt outta the fire in ish 281. But man I was so extremely happy on that July 4th running around the playground, catching the fireworks and finding comics where I least expected them.
Below: Issues 280 and 281 of the Amazing Spiderman introducing the Sinister Syndicate and making July 4th super fun!
2 thoughts on “Feeling Spectacular”
Melissa Lomax
Ahhh, this just made my afternoon <3 Happy we lift each other up… sometimes when we least expect it!
Thanks a bunch sweety!