'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse and me uploading my latest strip. This was so much fun to draw, hope you all enjoy it! Have a Wonderful Holiday Season and the Happiest of New Years! This looks to be one of the Merriest Christmases ever!
A Special Thanks to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Schulz and Mr. Watterson for years and years of holiday memories and for shaping my view of what the holidays are all about. Also I would like to issue an official apology to the always lovely Melissa. Even drawing a cartoon of hitting her with a snowball kinda feels like kickin' a puppy!
Below: A little visual inspiration for this year's holiday strip.
Makes me so happy to read this holiday inspired strip. It’s full of cheer and nostalgia… just beautiful! Also, I totally accept your apology about getting hit with an illustrated snowball, it’s all in good fun!
6 thoughts on “Few Of My Favorite Things”
this one looks especially great, man. love those colors
Alex, Thanks Man! This was so much fun to do! I’m really, really glad to hear you like the colors – they were a Labor of Love.
Nice job on the Seuss imitation!
Also, Christmas! Have a merry little one!
Thank you. Any day you’re drawin’ Seuss, Schulz and Watterson is a good day!
Melissa Lomax
Makes me so happy to read this holiday inspired strip. It’s full of cheer and nostalgia… just beautiful! Also, I totally accept your apology about getting hit with an illustrated snowball, it’s all in good fun!
Thanks darling! Next snow storm you may have your revenge?