Melissa and I are giddy with excitement as we prepare for this year's SPX. In years past we have gone as vagabonds, sharing space with friends (Thanks James!) but this year we have an entire table. This means we need to get cracking on new books, new prints and whatever else we can load into the car! As I post this we are both doodling away in the studio, can't wait until September!
In anticipation of the event I combed my sketchbooks looking for some inspiration and found some drawings from a panel we both attended. My good buddy and fellow cartoonist Rich Marcej suggested that I attend panels and draw what I saw and heard. Rich keeps a daily comic called the Blabbing Baboon, you can check it out here. Lomax and I were running around so much at the con we only had time to attend this one panel about "Drawing about Childhood". It was a lot of fun! Will be posting more as SPX draws nearer! Cheers!
Above: (from left to right): Marinoami (Kiss and Tell), Julia Wertz (The Infinite Wait and Other Stories), Derf Backderf(My Friend Dahmer) and John Porcellino (Perfect Example).
Now that William mentioned it… you did take a while to update. However I see that the result is still as awesome as the previous. I adore that style and look forward to the next one.
Also, I love how Dahmer looks like he’s on his way to sleeping. Excellent work!
2 thoughts on “Panels About A Panel”
oh my god you updated more than once a month awesume do that again
Now that William mentioned it… you did take a while to update. However I see that the result is still as awesome as the previous. I adore that style and look forward to the next one.
Also, I love how Dahmer looks like he’s on his way to sleeping. Excellent work!