That's right a strip dedicated to my love of breakfast. Future strip ideas include;
1.) My love of lasagna and hatred of Mondays.
2.) How I detest shopping for a bathing suit and my chocolate addiction (ACK!).
3.) Cubicle life and my constant fear that my dog is way smarter than I am.
(I kid, I kid, but not about bacon, NEVER about bacon.)
Below: A pic of my CMYK comic promos taken by one of the amazing students at UArts. Thanks Kelly! You can see her artwork here.
William, glad you are enjoying the strip and really appreciate the feedback. Working on a more frequent updating schedule along with character and bio pages as we speak. Big stuff on the horizon. Thanks man. Cheers!
4 thoughts on “The Bard Of Bacon”
Olive Dugan
You are officially even more freaking awesome. Breakfast lovers for the /win/ <3
Olive – Thank you so much! Really, really appreciate it.
um i really enjoy your webcomic but why do you only update once a month ? could you update every week ?
William, glad you are enjoying the strip and really appreciate the feedback. Working on a more frequent updating schedule along with character and bio pages as we speak. Big stuff on the horizon. Thanks man. Cheers!